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Queer History A to Z: 100 Years of LGBTQ+ Activism

Queer History A to Z: 100 Years of LGBTQ+ Activism

An alphabet book for the older reader, Queer History A to Z: 100 Years of LGBTQ+ Activism by Robin Stevenson and Vivian Ross is a browsable non fiction, middle grade book filled to the brim with information about queer people and activism throughout history.

Robin Stevenson takes readers through the alphabet to provide knowledge about different people, moments and terms that have been important to the movement for gay rights throughout history. It combines the best of books like like Bedtime Stories for Rebel Girls and traditional alphabet books usually found in early years settings. I really appreciated how the book was very diverse in its information. Readers have the opportunity to not only learn about people who have been integral to the gay rights movement but also places and happenings that have furthered the push for equal rights.

Robin Stevenson often refers to the inspiration for the gay rights movement coming from the Civil Rights movement and includes many important historical figures who were active in both, standing up for the rights and freedoms of so many different people.

I love that the back matter in the book not only provides an glossary for some of the terms in the book but it also includes a list of 35 different people worldwide who have made an impact on the movement with included biographies for each of them to hopefully inspire readers to learn a little more about the numerous people who have been on this journey. There is also a timeline which you all know I absolutely love a timeline, it’s so organized and provides a visual for how far we have come.

Vivian Ross’ illustrations are bright an colourful which is to be expected in a book that celebrates queer activism. They also reflect the strength and joy of the people who have been fighting and continue to fight for equal rights and treatment. Each two page spread features illustrations that are reflective of the time in history discussed in the text making it a book that readers will flock to time and time again.

Mushrooms Know: Wisdom from our Friends the Fungi

Mushrooms Know: Wisdom from our Friends the Fungi

Plague Thieves

Plague Thieves