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Beware the Burmese Python and Other Invasive Animal Species

Beware the Burmese Python and Other Invasive Animal Species by Etta Kaner and Phil Nicholls is an innovative expository literature non-fiction title to engage readers in environmental protection.

Etta Kaner educates readers about ten different invasive species that are causing habitat destruction all over the world but mostly in North America. This non-fiction title is unique and dynamic and highly appealing to readers. Designed like a graphic novel, we are introduced to the topic of invasive species in a comic spread on the first two pages. Then throughout the story two, two page spreads are dedicated to each animal. Information is comprehensive and offered through comics, sidebars, diagrams, maps, letters, etc. 

I love the tone of the writing. It’s got a sense of urgency and importance without being dire and anxiety inducing. I also appreciate the actionable suggestions for what we can do about each invasive species and how we can help minimize their impacts where they don’t belong. Each feature ends with the question: “If you were a scientist or conservation officer, what would you do?” engaging the readers into being part of the solution and creating the next generation of environmental protectors.

Phil Nicholls illustrations are highly engaging. The comic panels contain enough humour to keep things light but reflect the real problems caused by these different animals. Also, the illustrations are just realistic enough to appeal to my sensibilities while keeping with the tone of the whole book.