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My Name is Saajin Singh

A beautiful story about the power of a name, My Name is Saajin Singh by Kuljinder Kaur Brar and Samrath Kaur reminds readers to listen to each other.

Saajin Singh is so excited for school. When he gets there his teacher pronounces his name incorrectly and when he doesn’t correct her, the whole class begins to refer to him by that mispronounced name. He doesn’t like it but doesn’t know how to fix it. When his parents gently remind him that even grown ups can make mistakes, he gains the confidence to tell his teachers and his classmates the proper way to pronounce his name.

Kuljinder Kaur Brar has written a beautiful, kind and gentle story, perfect for today. Many children find themselves in classrooms across the country where their names are mispronounced. Some children have the confidence to stand up and inform the grown ups of the correct pronunciation but many don’t or don’t realize that they can. This story will empower all the Saajin’s in the classroom to remind their educators and their peers about how to say their names correctly. Her writing reminds me of Kevin Henkes’ story Chrysanthemum. I love the repeating phrases and how Saajin always “wears” his favourite foods.

As an adult, I loved the way that the adults in the story dealt with the problem. Saajin’s parents perfectly explained how when his name is pronounced incorrectly it changes the meaning. They also approach the problem from a place of love and understanding, reminding Saajin that even adults can make mistakes. When the teacher is corrected she apologizes to Saajin which is so important for young readers to see. Adults do make mistakes and should own up to those mistakes with genuine apologies.

Adults reading this story, especially any educators, will be reminded to not put the onus for correction on the child, instead asking them before making any assumptions about names for which they are not familiar.

Samrath Kaur’s illustrations are fun and lively. They are filled with colour and joyful expressions and so much love. Readers will be drawn to the care and happiness throughout the illustrations.