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New Friends in New Places

Moving to a new country, especially a place where you don’t speak the language, can be a lonely and frustrating experience. My Words Flew Away Like Birds by Debora Pearson and Shrija Jain explores what it is like for a young child as she navigates her new home.

This beautiful book is striking. It’s a book that invites many newcomers into it’s pages. We don’t know which place the narrator in the story comes from but we know they arrive in an English speaking country. This could be the story of many different immigrants and refugees from all over the world. My Words Flew Away Like Birds is for any child who feels like they are out of place and have a difficult time communicating. The story is overall positive, some difficulties getting settled in but as time moves along, new friends and new family members create more comfort in a new place. There is an interesting moment when the building caretaker mistakes his assistant for someone from the same place as the narrator in the story, making for a very awkward interaction. People trying too hard to help others be comfortable and end up making a bit of a mess of the situation. I really enjoyed how it was handled in the story and can imagine it is an incredibly common experience for many.

Shrija Jain’s illustrations are bold and beautiful. I love the heavy black outlines and the big word pops throughout the illustrations. To balance the heavy dark lines she uses pinks, blues and yellows, a lightness bursting through.

Many newcomers will be able to relate to this story. Those of us who have never had to move to a new place gain a new perspective and a better understanding of how hard it is to arrive somewhere new.