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Polar: Wildlife at the Ends of the Earth

Polar: Wildlife at the Ends of the Earth

A fascinating and gorgeous look at two of the most extreme places on earth, Polar: Wildlife at the Ends of the Earth by L.E. Carmichael and Byron Eggenschwiler is a closer look at how animals live and adapt in the harshest conditions.

L.E. Carmichael writes so eloquently, I can hear Sir David Attenborough’s voice in my head narrating through the entire read. Through the book, readers experience a whole year in the life in the Arctic and the Antarctic. Starting in March and ending in March, we learn about different species and their adaptations to the conditions. We start off learning about the difference between the two regions and we end by learning more about how climate change is affecting these wild places and how crucial they are in the stability of the earth. Kudos to the whole team, editor Katie Scott and designer Andrew Dupuis for an interesting and unique way to feature these two places.

I love how the book gives readers information about so many different types of animals living in these places. For young readers, it is not unusual to assume that nothing lives in the Arctic or Antarctic, so it was fun to learn just how many different species make their homes in the cold temperatures and more importantly how they can survive, thrive and even work together.

Byron Eggenschwiler’s illustrations are mind blowingly beautiful. The sweeping landscapes are transportative and the animals are all so realistic. The colours are deep and rich. Dark and deep during the polar night and bright and rich during the midnight sun. 

Polar: Wildlife at the Ends of the Earth is a treasure book that will be instantly and lastingly loved by curious readers.

Malaika, Carnival Queen

Malaika, Carnival Queen

Sometimes I Feel Like a River

Sometimes I Feel Like a River