
Welcome to my reviews.  Enjoy, take some time to discover a new book!  Happy reading!

Survival of the…Sneakiest?

Survival of the…Sneakiest?

Plants are fascinating organisms. We love and appreciate the plants in the spring and summer, providing shade and beauty to the landscape, not to mention the delicious food. Have you ever wondered how plants survive? There are an awful lot of predators wanting those delicious plants, but how can they defend themselves? Pretty Tricky: The Sneaky Ways Plants Survive by Etta Kaner and Ashley Barron is a fascinating nonfiction picture book all about plant defences.

Readers will be left mouth agape at all of the incredible ways different plants keep safe and protected from sneaky predators. Readers will find out some special defence mechanisms, how plants make sure to make more plants and how plants eat. Many of the plants featured in the book were new to me, growing in different parts of the world, I have not experienced them first hand but was blown away how plants can change and adapt to survive. Some plants play dead, some camouflage and many get aid from helpful insect friends. I really appreciated how Etta Kaner kept all of the information really interesting but also short and sweet, making for a quick and informative read.

The illustrations in the book are incredible. Ashley Barron’s beautiful paper cut illustrations feature close ups of all of the plant’s features so readers can get an up close and personal view of the plants and the insects that help and/or harm them.

Springtime Cuddle Up

Springtime Cuddle Up

Gardening by the Sea

Gardening by the Sea