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Rodney was a Tortoise

Rodney was a Tortoise by Nan Forler and Yong Ling Kang is a lovely story about the loss of a beloved pet.

Rodney was a tortoise and he was a good boy. He was also very old and had been in Bernadette’s family for a long time. He was Bernadette’s best friend. One day, Rodney didn’t wake up in the morning. He was dead and Bernadette was very sad until a new friend helps her through her grief.

What a truly lovely story about losing a beloved pet. Nan Forler has taken such care to hold the readers and leave space for sadness because losing a loved one is very sad, especially a best pal. I love that Nan Forler declares that “…Rodney is dead.” It’s so important to use straightforward language with young children when talking about death. Euphemisms leave space for confusion so I appreciated the language that was chosen for Rodney. I also personally loved that Bernadette and Rodney play crokinole, a Canadian game that many readers may have in their homes or cottages.

Throughout the story Nan Forler, shows readers Bernadette’s journey through her grief, speaking of sore stomachs and still pretending Rodney is there. It is through the kindness of a new friend, asking about Rodney and allowing Bernadette to talk about her friend, that helps her break out of her shell of sadness.

Yong Ling Kang’s illustrations are so comforting and inviting. Full of big two page spreads and funny little details. I mean who doesn’t love a picture of a tortoise in a crown? The illustrations felt familiar, like home, and add to the gentleness of this beautiful story.