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Raise your hand if you think you get enough sleep at night. I know there are days I think I do and days I think I don’t. What about your readers? Do they get enough sleep? Do they fight you on bedtime every single night? Perhaps they just need to learn more about the science of sleep. Thanks to Tanya Lloyd Kyi and Valéry Goulet they can in their new middle grade non-fiction book Snoozefest: The Surprising Science of Sleep.

In this fascinating look at sleep, readers get to learn EVERYTHING that is known about sleep. Readers will learn some of the history of sleep science, the power of sleep to improve your brain and your overall health, dreams and why perhaps you can’t sleep and what you can do about it. I know several adults who would benefit from reading this book to help improve their own sleep habits! I found this book particularly interesting because sleep is not something we really think too deeply about when we are young. We know at the end of the day we sleep and then in the morning we wake up but many of us don’t really know the ins and outs. Why do we need sleep, how does it help us? Tanya Lloyd Kyi has dug up some fascinating information, from experiments and research by many of the world’s top sleep scientists.

There are some fantastic little asides on the pages with tidbits of interesting information to fill young minds with excellent trivia knowledge and many ask leading questions as well to help readers learn more about their own sleep habits and those of their peers.

The illustrations by Valéry Goulet are a perfect complement to the subject matter. The art contains muted colours and soothing pictures all to put readers in the perfect frame of mind for sleep!

Now go grab a hot cup of tea, a cozy blanket and this book and get ready for a great night’s sleep!

The View From the Top

The View From the Top

Beep! Beep!

Beep! Beep!