
Welcome to my reviews.  Enjoy, take some time to discover a new book!  Happy reading!

A Ring to Rule the World

A Ring to Rule the World

You have to hand it to author Jess Keating.  Is there anything she can’t write?? We are huge fans of her work here at Storytime with Stephanie.  Not only does she write some of the most engaging non-fiction books about animals that we have on our shelves, but she also writes some very compelling middle grade novels all with a wonderful science twist and coming soon, a graphic novel about the cutest little bunny you ever did see!  

In the newest addition to the Elements of Genius series, The Fellowship of the Bling, we once again go on a pretty fantastic journey with Nikki Tesla and the rest of the crew at Genius Academy.  When one of the most dangerous technologies, harnessed inside a ring, is located on The Galápagos Islands it’s up to the Genius team to find it and keep it out of evil hands. What they don’t expect from this adventure is twists and turns that would make even Indiana Jones question taking on this quest.  Luckily, the team from Genius Academy have each other to get through and save the world again. We also get a little more information about Nikki’s past and the father who has caused so much turmoil for Nikki.

The Elements of Genius series is a great buddy series. In the same way earlier generations were drawn to The Babysitters Club and the Hardy Boys, our children will love this crew of friends working together, fighting evil and truly embracing all of the talents that make them the best team. The beauty of Jess Keating’s work is you will never finish one of her books without learning a few new tidbits of information you can store away for another time.  Her love for science beams through the pages and lovers of non-fiction will appreciate these tidbits, while lovers of fiction get a really great story to keep the pages turning.  We can’t wait to find out where Genius Academy's next mission takes them.

The illustrations by Lissy Marlin in The Fellowship of the Bling add comic relief to the story and help carry the story through to the end. Once again, we love the choice to have the background of each page grid paper, giving the book a diary/scientific journal feel.

Bully or Not?

Bully or Not?

Bugs Aren’t So Bad

Bugs Aren’t So Bad