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Become the Music

Originally published in Spanish under the title Bea baila by Luciano Lozano, Diana Dances, translated by Yanitzia Canetti is the story of Diana, a little girl who does not like school and often struggles.  Mom sets out to find out why Diana struggles. She hires a tutor, takes her to the family doctor and eventually a psychologist to determine why Diana is struggling. Turns out Diana just needs to move. She needs to dance and when she is dancing, it is much easier to remember things like multiplication tables.  Diana lives for her dance classes and dance classes have made it so she begins to find success in school.

Such a fantastic mirror book for many children who find school to be challenging, who just can’t sit still and need another outlet to help them learn.  We know children learn in many different ways and there is no one way to reach all children. There are times when we need to help children find success in different ways, helping them play to their strengths.  I really like the part where Diana visits a psychologist as there are many children who will experience the same thing along their learning path.

Illustrated by Luciano Lozano, the illustrations are at times pretty retro, especially the illustration of the psychologist.  They are also full of life, movement and detail making this an inviting and fun read.