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I, Too, Am Here

I, Too, Am Here by Morgan Christie and Marley Berot is a story inspired by the words of Langston Hughes and a reminder of the beauty in our global neighbourhoods.

The child in the story tells readers of the racism experienced by her grandmother, her father and her mother. She doesn’t understand the feelings, until she does and shares her story of a classmate not wanting to hold her hand, the classmate being afraid because of the colour of her skin. 

Morgan Christie, inspired by the words of Langston Hughes shared with her as a child, shares with readers real accounts of the experiences of many people when they look different of have a different colour of skin. The racist incidents faced by the characters in the story are the same as are experienced by many people. The child in the story doesn’t understand because in her mind, they are already at home. 

Stories like this one, that call out blatant acts of racism are important to share with young readers. It’s so vital that we name and call out this behaviour. It’s a story that will help some readers understand that they are not alone and to help them find strength in the words of the story. For other readers, this is a story that will remind them that these things happen all of the time. To understand how their friends, family, neighbours, classmates feel when these words are directed at them and how they can be good friends.

Marley Berot has taken this difficult story and created the most dreamy and beautiful illustrations. The book is captivating thanks to the beautiful pictures she paints on every two page spread. Even when the words are harsh, she finds the beauty in the moment to share with readers.