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A Fun Twist on the Alphabet Book

Alphabet books are foundation books.  They are the first we will purchase and borrow to share with our children.  Alphabets teach our children the letters that become words, which become sentences, then paragraphs, then stories.  The alphabet is the key to opening up the magical world of stories. The problem is alphabet books can be a bit of a bore to read.  As the adults, charing these books, they can be a bit dry and hard to engage in multiple readings. I am always so impressed with those authors who can take a simple concept like the alphabet book and make it fun, make it a book grown ups will want to share with the children in their lives again and again.

Owls Are Good At Keeping Secrets by Sara O’Leary and Jacob Grant ticks all the boxes for an engaging and unique alphabet book.  Not only is the art incredible, lively and beautiful, but the text is wonderfully clever and very funny. Each letter has a clever little anecdote about an animal.  For example, “Giraffes usually have just one best friend.” Owls Are Good At Keeping Secrets is an alphabet book you will not mind reading over and over again. It will be one of those books that holds pride of place on your bookshelf.  It is a book destined to become one of the first your children will read independently. It truly is a book that belongs in daycares, preschools and kindergarten classes. I would not be surprised to see a board book version within the year.