
Welcome to my reviews.  Enjoy, take some time to discover a new book!  Happy reading!

Always Be Cuddling!

Always Be Cuddling!

Baby’s first library can be filled with all kinds of lovely books.  We will usually gravitate to the classics but every now and then a new book comes along and you just know you are going to gift it to everyone you know with a new baby or small child.

Teddy Bear of the Year by Vikki VanSickle and Sydney Hanson is one of those books. A sweet little story about the power of a teddy’s love.  Infused with humour, love, and wonder, it’s like a good night cuddle with your favourite cuddle buddy. Who wouldn’t want the job of Chief Cuddling Officer or Regional Stuffing Manager and Stitchery Inspector!  In this lovely story we hear about all the achievements of the various teddies and how they help their people and practice their ABCs - Always Be Cuddling. Teddy Bear of the Year reminds us that kindness should always be the way forward.  When we share a little bit of ourselves unselfishly we will spread joy and happiness to those nearby.

With lovely soft illustrations by Sydney Hanson, Teddy Bear of the Year is perfect for bedtime reading. You will want to lay out a picnic blanket, grab all of your favourite stuffed buddies and curl up and have a teddy bears picnic of your own featuring a special cuddle up reading of this special little book. All you Dolly Parton fans will appreciate the reference to one of her iconic anthems.

Special thanks to Slothy, Polar, Arctic, Lambie and Santa Bear for their help featuring this wonderful story.

Beware the Squirrel

Beware the Squirrel

What to do When you are Feeling Blue?

What to do When you are Feeling Blue?