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The Only Lonely Fairy

Another social emotional story by the incomprable Lana Button, The Only, Lonely Fairy illustrated by Peggy Collins is a perfect story to help children learn how to forge friendships.

Leah is the ONLY fairy in the whole room. She asks others to play but they don’t seem to want to. She gets frustrated and forgets to look around to find the other fairies in the room.

Lana Button is a master of creating accessible stories to help readers navigate tricky social situations. They are doing their hardest learning in the early years through social play. Through The Only Lonely Fairy, parents and educators can share strategies with young readers to help them through this tricky learning.

Through Leah and her new friends, readers learn the value of perseverance. The story also provides the adult readers with some strategies to help our young people navigate building friendships and there is a great author’s note at the end to further help adults encourage friendship building.

Peggy Collins’ illustrations are big and bold. She creates images that capture readers and keep them engaged in the story. Close ups of facial expressions and sneaky moments in the backgrounds help readers begin to tell the story in their own words and help them understand what to do if they are in the same situation as Leah.