
Welcome to my reviews.  Enjoy, take some time to discover a new book!  Happy reading!

Tomatoes of Kindness

Tomatoes of Kindness

Urban gardens are a thing of beauty.  I am infinitely in awe of those who can take a small little patch of their backyard and grow some of the most delicious fruits and vegetables.  I have never been able to manage it so I loved reading What Grew in Larry’s Garden by Lara Alary and Kass Reich.

Larry carefully tends to his backyard garden all summer long.  He grows some of the most unique vegetables, ones you won’t find on grocery store shelves.  She shares his love of the garden with his neighbour Grace and happily allows her to tend to his plants.  When there is a problem in the garden, they figure out a solution together. It’s a wonderful friendship. Grace learns that Larry is a teacher and uses his tomato plants in his classroom to help his students spread kindness and appreciation.  When Larry needs some help to ensure his garden thrives, Grace takes the lessons she learns from Larry to help out.

A lovely book that will remind parents of the importance of teachers in our children’s lives.  At a time all over the world when we are understanding how difficult a teacher’s job can be, it’s a great reminder about how much of a difference a wonderful teacher like Larry can have on his or her students.  Children will be inspired to become urban gardeners themselves and will probably want to start little tomato seedlings just like Larry so be prepared to do some gardening this spring/summer after reading this delicious book.

Kass Reich richly illustrates Larry’s garden with her beautiful and vibrant gauche and coloured pencil art work.  She really fills her double page spreads right to the edges with beautiful colour and detail ensuring this will be a book you come back to again and again.  Also the end papers are so adorable. I love the incidental cats in picture books.

Use this book as inspiration, while we are all home practicing physical distancing and trying to add a little bit of educational enrichment to our child’s day to get some seeds of your own started and watch them grow. Perhaps you can leave a few kindness plants for your friends and neighbours on their porches to connect and remind them how important they are to you.

Bugs Aren’t So Bad

Bugs Aren’t So Bad

Dive Deep into the Blue

Dive Deep into the Blue