
Welcome to my reviews.  Enjoy, take some time to discover a new book!  Happy reading!

What's In a Bead?

What's In a Bead?

A story about the history and power of beadwork, What’s in a Bead? by Kelsey Borgford and Tessa Pizzale teaches readers about traditional Indigenous beadwork.

Tessa wants to learn how to bead just like her Kohkom. Her mother reminds her that first she needs to ask and learn the stories. Mom helps Tessa gather a tobacco tie as an offering to Kohkom and they head to her house to learn all about the beautiful artwork.

Kelsey Borgford shares her traditions with readers in this beautiful intergenerational story. It’s a joyful story about connection: to the beads and the stories they tell to keep traditions alive. I love how Kelsey Borgford explains to readers the proper way to ask something of one's Elders as well as showing readers how beadwork is different from Nation to Nation. This is a story about the joy that comes from sharing with family members and creating beautiful art that tells a story of family, connection and tradition. There are so many quiet moments in the story and information being shared with readers in considered way. It’s a story that shares information without being a non fiction text. 

Tessa Pizzale’s illustrations are gorgeous. I love how textured the art is, with the beaded details on each page connecting the images with the text and bringing the beadwork to life.

The Misewa Saga: The Sleeping Giant

The Misewa Saga: The Sleeping Giant

I Am A Courageous Cub

I Am A Courageous Cub