
Welcome to my reviews.  Enjoy, take some time to discover a new book!  Happy reading!

Medical Mix Up

Medical Mix Up

Maureen Fergus is back with a new charming and hilarious little story in You’re in Good Paws illustrated by Kathryn Durst.

In this new super cute little story, Leo has to get his tonsils removed and is a little bit nervous.  He questions their decision to bring him in through the animal hospital doors but quickly puts it out of his mind as everyone is so kind.  From the chicken at the admissions desk, Nurse Lorraine who happens to be a cow and Dr. Stan, a mouse. Everyone takes really good care of Leo and puts him right at ease.  The operation is a success and Leo even gets to have popsicles and ice cream for dinner and enjoys playing around the hospital with his roommate Naeem, a rhino. Mom and Dad are right, everyone at the hospital took really great care of him.

Maureen Fergus is a total household favourite.  Her books spark delight and laughter. This story is subtle in that the story is great but what makes it so funny is the illustrations.  Kathryn Durst brings the words if Maureen Fergus to life in a very funny way. From the animals in the hospital who care for Leo, to all the little things in the background of the story that makes the reading so much more engaging.  This is a book you will come back to again and again, as we have, to enjoy all the little moments in the illustrations that will make you laugh and create so much more enjoyment in the book. The Bear even pointed about the volunteer Jamal, has the same name as a character in Maureen Fergus’ book The Reptile Club.  I love it when connections are made between some of our favourite books and things happening in our lives. You certainly are in good paws when Maureen Fergus has another book out in the world

Found Objects

Found Objects

Captivating Collage

Captivating Collage