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Self Advocacy

Self Advocacy

In another love letter to his home country of Afghanistan, Bahram Rahman gives readers the story of a courageous young girl who must build a bench to make school accessible for her and other children like her. A Sky-Blue Bench illustrated by Peggy Collins provides readers with a glimpse into life in Afghanistan and especially what it’s like for young girls trying to go to school and learn.

Aria has a “helper-leg” thanks to an accident that has kept her away from school. When she returned and learned she would have to sit on the floor, she got a sinking feeling. All day she tried everything to get comfortable but just couldn’t. School had become inaccessible because of her leg. Through her strength and perseverance she decides she is going to make her own bench, even though girls don’t do that.

Readers will see the lengths that children must go to ensure a comfortable learning environment. We take for granted our tables and chairs and cozy carpeted areas in North American classrooms. Readers also gain perspective about physical disabilities, like Aria’s, that require prosthetic limbs and how limiting they can be at times. Readers will see the importance of accessible spaces for everyone. They can also learn more about the country of Afghanistan and why so many children there require “helper” limbs. The story is an example of strength and self advocating.

Peggy Collins’ illustrations are bold and bright. She gives us many close ups of people’s faces and the bright shining eyes of all the people in the story. This is a vibrant beautiful story filled with vibrant beautiful illustrations that will immediately grab the readers attention and hold it through to the end.

Christmas on the Island

Christmas on the Island

Baseball in Confinement

Baseball in Confinement