Power of Education
Have you ever seen a mobile library? Sometimes you see them in big cities, to serve areas where there is no local library, ensuring the joy of reading is provided to everyone. The Library Bus by Bahram Rahman and Gabrielle Grimard is a beautiful love letter to the women of Afghanistan and their creativity in ensuring they receive an education.
Pari is Mama’s library helper. They take the bus filled with beautiful books all over the countryside, sharing reading and learning with all of the people they meet. Most of the people Mama teaches are girls from the villages who don’t have access to real schools. She helps them as her father helped her when she was a little girl. They also take a trip to the refugee camp to offer school supplies and lessons to the girls there.
The Library Bus is a beautiful book to show children about what it’s like to grow up without access to education. When we exist in our own little bubbles we can forget there is a huge world out there and many different people with vastly different experiences. It’s incredible to have a story to share with children that not only show what life is life for women in Afghanistan but also shows their strength and determination. I love how Bahrain Rahman frames the story and shares joy with readers. It’s not a story that will leave readers feeling sad for the women and girls in Afghanistan but leaves them grateful for the privileges they have living in Canada. The girls who learn from Pari’s mama are grateful and happy to learn and the story is very joyful.
Gabrielle Grimard’s illustrations contribute to the joyful feeling in the story. Readers will see all of the smiling faces and the beautiful landscapes depicted. The illustrations envelop the pages with beautiful colours and so many books. It’s a book that will instantly draw your eyes.