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Simon and Chester: Super Family

Another hilarious and cheeky graphic novel to add to your reading list, Simon and Chester: Super Family by Cale Atkinson had us in stitches!

Chester is a bit down in the dumps. He just wishes he was part of a “normal” family. Simon is not terribly thrilled as well. He is stuck going to a ghost convention and they are always extremely boring and he must face his nemesis Clancy, the smug ghost who always looks down on Chester. In the end, they both gain some insight and understanding and realize that they have it pretty perfect the way they are.

Families come in all shapes, sizes and configurations. In Super Family, Cale Atkinson shows readers the good, the bad and the downright ugly of what it’s like to be a part of a “normal” family. I especially love how, through Simon, Cale Atkinson highlights the misconception of “normal” when it comes to families. A family is a family no matter how it looks and it takes Chester an ill fated outing with his friend Amie’s family to realize it. This graphic novel had us laughing out loud at multiple points throughout.

I also loved how we have two different storylines happening in this graphic novel. We have Chester and his outing with Amie and then Simon and his trip to the ghost convention. Although their stories veer off in different directions, they come back together in the end and there is some really great foreshadowing of what is to come in subsequent Simon and Chester stories. Readers will quickly see, through the incredibly entertaining illustrations, that Simon and Chester are potentially in for one rough ride in Cale’s next story. 

Simon and Chester: Super Family is our favourite of the series so far and has us SUPER excited for what is to come!!