
Welcome to my reviews.  Enjoy, take some time to discover a new book!  Happy reading!

Smile So Big

Smile So Big

Sunshine Quem Tenasco and Chief Lady Bird team up once again, this time for a story about self love and affirmation. Smile So Big is a beautiful story all about loving ourselves and teaching others to love themselves.

Challa's smile can light up a room, but when she is teased because of her smile, she feels sad and that smile fades. Her mother gives her a special mirror with one rule: when someone looks in the mirror, they must say out loud what they see in their reflection. Challa takes the mirror around to her friends and relations and shares the gift of the magic mirror with each of them, helping them to see their own beauty and in turn helping her to see the beauty in her brilliant smile.

Sunshine Quem Tenasco treats readers to a powerful story of self love. Children can be cruel and teasing happens far too often in school yards, with much taunting centred around a person’s appearance. In this picture book, Sunshine Quem Tenasco reminds readers that what they see reflected in the mirror is their true self and to embrace the things that make them unique and special. The story is a reminder to readers to take a good look at themselves in the mirror and notice all of the beauty that lies within.

It’s such a wonderful story for educators and parents to use to teach about kindness and self-acceptance. I would love to see educators use this story as a jumping off point to community building. It would also make an amazing writing prompt.

Chief Lady Bird’s illustrations are bold and inspiring. I love her woodland style art paired with the bright smiling faces of Indigenous children. Her art often centres self-love and body acceptance so she was the perfect person to illustrate this picture book. Her work will draw in the reader and allow them to sit in the magical moments of the story. If you live in Toronto you have probably come across some of her gorgeous mural work in various locations around the city. 

My Name is Saajin Singh

My Name is Saajin Singh

Cleaning Up

Cleaning Up