
Welcome to my reviews.  Enjoy, take some time to discover a new book!  Happy reading!

How to Party Like a Snail

How to Party Like a Snail

How to Party Like a Snail by Naseem Hrab and Kelly Collier is my kind of story…nice and quiet!

Snail loves to party but doesn’t love it when parties get too loud. When he suddenly stops getting invited to the animal parties, he decides to have a party of his own. He quickly realizes that his party is missing a key ingredient…a friend!

Naseem Hrab knows just how to tell the perfect story. Her quiet humour will have readers rolling on the floor laughing, perhaps not so quietly.  I love the premise of the story since not every person loves a wild and loud shindig - hello introverts! The snail party is totally my jam and I know there are many young readers who will definitely appreciate the focus put on the quiet party. Hopefully this book will inspire others to add a little quiet into their own festivities.

Kelly Collier’s illustrations add to the fun and humour of the story. I love all the animals in the story but I especially love Snail and Stump. There is something about the eyes in her illustrations, she really knows how to make her characters eye smile which not many illustrators can pull off. Her pictures are so expressive, matching Naseem Hrab’s tone perfectly!

First Broom

First Broom

Asha and Baz Meet Elizabeth Friedman

Asha and Baz Meet Elizabeth Friedman