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Hungry for Engineering: Poems to Gnaw On

Hungry for Engineering: Poems to Gnaw On

A clever concept and an excellent way to bring literacy across the curriculum, Hungry for Engineering: Poems to Gnaw On by Kari-Lynn Winters and Lori Sherritt-Fleming with illustrations by Dave Whammond will get readers excited for science.

This book of poems is filled with silly rhymes and lyrical loops and part of a series of poetry books to inspire readers in the STEAM subjects. Kari-Lynn Winters and Lori Sherritt-Fleming have come up with such an ingenious way to invite readers into engineering through poetry and vice versa, invite readers into poetry by creating poems that appeal to budding builders and creators. I love how teachers and parents can take this book and immediately find a poem that will appeal and be relevant to engineering topics of discussion or play.

Dave Whamond’s illustrations add just the right amount of whimsy to the poems creating very much the same feel as Frank Newfeld did in the original Dennis Lee book Alligator Pie. Dave Whamond’s illustrations are colourful and silly and will appeal to the reader no matter their age.

Mrs. Nobody

Mrs. Nobody

The One and Only Question

The One and Only Question