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The Party Diaries: Top Secret Anniversary

The Party Diaries: Top Secret Anniversary

The third book in The Party Diaries series by Mitali Banerjee Ruths and Aaliya Jaleel, Top Secret Anniversary is a book that will SUIT many readers.

Priya has been hired to plan an anniversary party for her mom and dad. She is very excited and, inspired by her friend Dola’s presentation, this party will help support Florida manatees. As Priya does each time she is planning a party, she carefully plans the theme, decorations and food and learns some new business lessons along the way.

The Scholastic Branches books are fantastic for early middle grade readers. The stories are interesting and set up in a chapter format, in this case each chapter corresponds to a date in Priya’s diary. They are also filled to the brim with illustrations and simple text so that young readers can access the story in any way that works for them.

Mitali Banerjee Ruths shares her culture and joy with readers through these stories by showing readers what it’s like living in an Indian-Canadian household. I love how she has captured the joy of creating something for someone else as well as captitalizes on a theme that is so important to young readers, environmental protectionism. These stories not only inspire readers to share their gifts and kindness with their own communities but also focus on the world in a way that is manageable and not overwhelming.

The back matter in the book is perfect for the target audience. There are some discussion questions as well as instructions to make cardboard hearts just like Priya did for the party.

Aaliya Jaleel’s illustrations are incredible! Full of humour and colour. I love the diversity of the illustrations as well. Sometimes feeling very comic-esque while also offering readers maps, diagrams and lists, mixing it up and keeping the interest high.



All That Grows

All That Grows